Plastic waste and climate change, loss of biodiversity…. – It’s really time to do something about it! The G. Henle publishing house also wants to do its part, so under the slogan “Henle goes green”, we replaced plastic bags with paper bags and use for our Urtext editions only paper with the FSC [Forest Stewardship Council] seal of approval. For more information, see our Facebook posts from Jan. 23 and Feb. 15 2019 on this topic.

Our latest project is devoted to animal welfare and species conservation. Owing to the harsh winter with the unusually large snowfalls that have hit us in southern Bavaria, it’s not been easy this year for animals here, either. Today, our publisher ist delighted to report that we have been able to save some animals now living well protected in our publishing house. So, we’d like to introduce you to some of our guests:

Emil, the elephant, is probably our most exotic protégé. How he came to us is a mystery in itself. Anyhow, he’s a very funny guy who’s been looking forward to Carnival for weeks.

Madame Swan’s name is Serena and she arrived at almost the same time as Emil. The two are great friends.


In our newly-formed zoo we’ve got several butterflies that we’re calling Edvard, Robert and Gabriel.


Trevor, the trout, came to us by way of the Isar river. He’s now living as befits his species in a large aquarium and we are hoping that we’ll soon get more fish to keep him company.

Our bluebird is called Brigita and comes from the Czech Republic. She is very musical and sings all day long.

Frederick, the fox, is our most recent member of the Henle zoo and so he’s still very shy. We haven’t yet gotten a good photo of him.

We’re constantly on the lookout for lost animals and especially look forward to finding Wolfgang, the wolf, Erna, the duck, or Kate, the cat, who will come along with Peter sometime soon.

If you find any other animals similar to those mentioned above, please let us know right away – protecting the Henle zoo animals is very important to us!

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